
Create React apps with no build configuration.

Thanks to create-react-app. It’s saves a lot of my time. I remember several months ago I had to setup a lot just for a react app, webpack, babel, test environment and so on… Fortunately, everything becomes easy now. Though you have many choices of start boiler plate, you worth trying this.

React router

If you are build a SPA with react, you probably use react-router. You should be clear that when we click on an internal link in our page, there’s a little different from the traditional static web page:

  • In traditional static page, browser will send a request to nginx server for a new html page match that url.
  • In react-router, history will listen to the url of the browser, and when it changes, it will find for the proper component to render, and maybe send async request to ask for data.

For example, when we change to location /users, there is no file /users.html serve on nginx. The browser just changes the url and render some new component, bringing effect like “jump”. For this reason, when a user start the page with the url /users, nginx should first tries to find /users.html. Of course it fails, and it will try to return index.html, and let the browser handle the rest.

Nginx config

Before deploy to nginx, we should run npm run build. If you deploy your app in the root of server, eg,, everything just works well. Check the index.html file in the public folder, it will require the js/css file as /app.js. Here’s the nginx config.

server {
    location ~ / {
        root /var/www/;
        try_files $uri /index.html;

First nginx will try to find if exists an actual file in the static folder. If not, it is considered as front end url and return index.html, and let the browser handle the rest.

Deploy in subdirectory of nginx

I came with the special case that I have to deploy the application at the subdirectory of the server, eg, This time we have to do a little more work.

  1. because we change the url of our app(add /my_app as predix), we have to change our react-router’s root from ‘/’ to ‘/my_app’.

  2. Suppose that our static files’s location is /var/www/ in server. You may notice that we add a folder my_app here, it’s a little trick to match the static files in folder with url. We want to match all the request with prefix /my_app. Nginx config:

server {
    location ~ /my_app {
        root /var/www/;
        try_files $uri /my_app/index.html;

For example, if nginx get a request for /my_app/app.js. Location /my_app is matched, this time the $uri in try_files is /my_app. So nginx will find /my_app/app.js in root var/www/

After this you will figure that the index.html is loaded properly. But the js/css files required in index.html don’t show up. Remember in index.html the other static files are written as href=/app.css, but now static files are not in root but the subdirectory /my_app. To fix this problem, we can add one line in package.json:

"homepage": "/my_app", 
# "homepage": '.' may work, just try

Run npm run build again. This time it’s written as href=/my_app/app.css, and nginx know how to serve the proper static files.

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